Wednesday, February 27, 2013

What's wrong with Asian athletes, Floyd Mayweather?

You may or may not know who the famous African American boxer, Floyd Mayweather, is, but he is known for his intimidating persona. I came across this video, which consists of two ESPN personalities discussing Mayweather's remarks about Jeremy Lin, an Taiwanese-American NBA player. Floyd Mayweather tweeted, "Jeremy Lin is a good player but all the hype is because he's Asian. Black players do what he does every night and don't get the same praise." 

The two personalities strongly agree how Mayweather's remark was utterly  crude. In addition, they referenced  back to 2010 when Mayweather ranted about Manny Pacquiao, a Philippine champion boxer and Mayweather's longtime boxing enemy, in a video and said, "He should go make some sushi rolls and cook some rice." But really, Mayweather? Was that really necessary or are you just afraid Pacquiao is going to possibly beat you in a next boxing fight? 

What I do not understand is why Floyd Mayweather continues to make racist remarks against these Asian athletes. Although it may not be the norm, Asians can be good a sports, too! I believe that Mayweather should just simply praise Jeremy Lin and Manny Pacquiao for proving to the world that Asians can be stellar athletes rather than stating all these offensive remarks. Floyd Mayweather needs to take in consideration of what he says can potentially hurt someone's pride.

Thursday, February 14, 2013

"Come on, do math!"

We can all admit to at least some extent that Family Guy is a hilarious and enjoyable show. Who doesn't love Peter Griffin and his immature ways? I remember watching this episode that was aired during the summer and I couldn't help, but notice how stereotypical and racist this one segment was. It showed Peter telling his daughter, Meg, that he "will do better at this job than I did on the SATs". After, the show flashbacks to Peter taking an Asian boy out instead of using a calculator and saying, "Come on, do math!".  I admit, I did laugh, but as I look back, I couldn't help but notice how racist it was. Do people really think that the only thing Asians do is math and anything school related? 

All jokes aside, there are actually some Asians out there that take these types of jokes offensive. Although it is the stereotype that Asians are smart in school, they can also excel at other things! Sure, it is funny the first time to say something to your Asian friend like, "What?! How'd you fail the're Asian?!?", but if you say this phrase more often to your friend, they may take this phrase more personally every time you say it and feel degraded. 

Friday, February 8, 2013

A Racist Rager

As I was researching for this week's blog post, I came across a shocking article. It seemed that a fraternity at Duke University threw a "Asian-Themed" party. This "racist rager" required party goers to wear conical hats, geisha outfits, and any Asian related clothing. The invitations to this party also included Asian stereotype misspellings such as, "Herro" for Hello and "Chank you" for Thank you. This sparked a huge uproar on the campus. Asian student groups organized a rally against this offensive party. As a result, school officials have suspended all activities for this fraternity. 

Although I recognize that college students just want to have fun and make their parties more interesting, students need to take their actions into consideration because it can truly offend someone that could even be their fellow peers and students. Is it really necessary to throw an Asian themed party that's basically making fun of a valued culture? Why can't they just throw a themed beach party that won't be offending anyone? People need to realize that a culture is of a huge importance to people and doing these kinds of actions can make cultures feel like they are a joke to society.