Friday, February 8, 2013

A Racist Rager

As I was researching for this week's blog post, I came across a shocking article. It seemed that a fraternity at Duke University threw a "Asian-Themed" party. This "racist rager" required party goers to wear conical hats, geisha outfits, and any Asian related clothing. The invitations to this party also included Asian stereotype misspellings such as, "Herro" for Hello and "Chank you" for Thank you. This sparked a huge uproar on the campus. Asian student groups organized a rally against this offensive party. As a result, school officials have suspended all activities for this fraternity. 

Although I recognize that college students just want to have fun and make their parties more interesting, students need to take their actions into consideration because it can truly offend someone that could even be their fellow peers and students. Is it really necessary to throw an Asian themed party that's basically making fun of a valued culture? Why can't they just throw a themed beach party that won't be offending anyone? People need to realize that a culture is of a huge importance to people and doing these kinds of actions can make cultures feel like they are a joke to society. 


  1. I think that the "Asian Party" that was thrown is unnecessary. It is crazy how college kids think it is okay to do that. It can really hurt someone in the end and I don't think it was right for them to do that and they should experience some form of punishment for being so rude and immature. I agree with you one hundred percent. It is unfair to society and the students at the University as well. I enjoyed reading your blog about the article.

  2. Wow. That's so insulting and politically incorrect. They used to do that sort of speaking wrong thing on old sitcoms in like the 60s. I really thought they would have moved on by now. I was really shocked reading this blog post. No one thought as they were making plans for the party "Hm, this might be really offensive". Unbelievable.

  3. When I read this I could not believe that this would occur at a college. I cannot believe how insensitive people can be about a person's culture. This country is made up of so many different races and cultures and I cannot believe that things like this still happen. However, I am glad that the school suspended all activities for this fraternity, so that they can learn from their mistake.

  4. I am extremely appalled after reading this post to be honest. I'm shocked that a school, especially one that is set to that high of an esteem such as Duke University, would allow something like this. Rather, i'm more shocked that the students, those who are considered brilliant and well-rounded enough to be accepted into Duke, would participate in something so disrespectful and rude. It is disgusting to me. People really need to learn to acknowledge their audience because they never really know who they're hurting until after their actions occur.
