Most of us can admit that when we think of Asian parents the following jokingly come in mind:
Their kids probably have no social life.
They probably make them study 24/7.
I can't even imagine the punishment they give their kid if they got an A-.
They most likely make their child play piano, violin, cello, or all of the above.
When people hear Asian parents, many people tend to label them as the "The World's Strictest Parents", "Tiger Mom", etc. All jokes aside, many Asian parents are always trying to make their child the best they can be, but they're not the only culture that does this! As I was looking through many funny Asian memes, I found that most of the memes had to do with strict Asian parents. They are portrayed as intimidating, but in reality, they're not even that bad compared to what society compares them to.

It irks me that people almost always turn to the stereotypes when judging a person. As a result, people treat them based on their label. In this case, people end up treating Asian parents harshly because these people think Asian parents deserve it for treating their children so cruel. The assumption that Asian parents are strict and do not care about their own child is absolutely not accurate, which is unfair to the parents that do not even portray these stereotypes. My question to the people who think so horribly of Asian parents is: How would you like it if you were based on an assumption, when you are the total opposite of it? Never judge a book by its cover!
as an Asian I disagree with this, I am happy my mother is strict, and being strict is way better than having a parent who believes bs and cs are acceptable.